To ten rzadki moment, gdy w zasadzie nie mam co napisać, bo ktoś zrobił to za mnie. Od lat zajmuję się badaniami w obszarze stosowania modeli jako języka wyrazu do opisu tego co zbadano i zrozumiano. Poniżej fragment edytoriala do pisma International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM). Jedno z zadanych tam pytań, to przedmiot moich badań:
Concentration on core modeling constructs or elaborate comfort within UML?
Pomyślałem, że zwrócę Waszą uwagę na to pismo i samą inicjatywę naukową, gdyż rola “niematematyczych” (nie będących wzorami) modeli w nauce nie maleje a możliwe, że rośnie na co właśnie zwraca uwagę autor.
The use of models was widely discussed in the software engineering domain during the 1980s and 1990s, where a variety of different modeling languages (e.g., Booch?s clouds and Rumbaugh?s object models) were adopted. Around 1994, the overlap of common concepts across the various modeling languages pointed to the need for a unification of the different languages. The ?methods wars?, which were intensely discussed at the OOPSLA conferences during the 1990s, were finally resolved into a standardization effort, first called the ?Unified Method? and later leading to the ?Unified Modeling Language? (UML). During this crucial period of unification, it became clear that defining such a standard would not be an easy task. A research community emerged that became interested in studying models and the UML as a core research subject area of its own. […]
It is equally important to understand what models, denoted in explicit and purposeful modeling languages, can do for engineers or scientists beyond pure software development. It is time to understand how the digital models of informatics can be merged with the continuous calculus of control theory, the geometric models of mechanical engineering, and how to use behavioral modeling with uncertainty, underspecification, variants, and high-configurability of models at runtime. Physical and chemical laws can be understood as models of the world, and software controlling some part of it needs an integrated understanding.
Source: Models as the subject of research | SpringerLink
Dotyczy to generalnie systemów notacyjnych, UML jest tu typowym przykładem ale nie jedynym.