Regulamin Usługi jako Wymagania – projekt

Why is this happening? The methods of project execution by most IT vendors haven't changed in 30 years: talks, interviews, coding, expensive tools (C++, Java). We've known for 20 years that writing a program in C++/Java is twice as much work compared to an identical result achieved with scripting languages (Prechelt, 2003; 2000). The continuing popularity of C++/Java has its origin: most of the large systems in the fin/tech industry were created in the 1990s, and they are not being upgraded and only added functionality despite the fact that it is no secret how to migrate to newer technologies and architectures (Laigner, Kalinowski, Diniz, Barros, Cassino, Lemos, Arruda, Lifschitz & Zhou, 2020).The reasons are quite mundane: as long as there is demand, technology suppliers have no interest in upgrading their products and are selling a permanent technological debt (Rosoff, 2011).

Czytaj dalejRegulamin Usługi jako Wymagania – projekt
Read more about the article Diagram aktywności UML c.d. – algorytmy
David Harel. (2001). Rzecz o istocie informatyki. Algorytmika. (Zbigniew Weiss & Piotr Carlson, Trans.; Wydanie trzecie). PWN.

Diagram aktywności UML c.d. – algorytmy

Technical Description of Software, as documentation of the mechanism of its operation, requires precision because it constitutes documentation of know-how (it can also be part of patent documentation). Such documentation cannot be source code of a specific (one of many on the market) programming language, as it must be a "dry" description of the mechanism of operation, and not an example of one of many possible implementations. This is also pointed out by the author of the above-mentioned book. Therefore, the documentation of the system, it is not its example implementation ("working code"), it is the essence of its operation expressed as an abstract model.

Czytaj dalejDiagram aktywności UML c.d. – algorytmy

Organizacja jako mechanizm czyli słoń w pokoju

The era of "sacred cows" of engineering is slowly coming to an end. Software engineering, after almost 20 years of an "agile" approach to this branch of engineering, is beginning to mature into "real engineering" with analysis, design and testing on the "drawing board" of CASE systems and MBSE approaches, which are a universal systems approach to multidisciplinary engineering (mechatronics) (Rosenberg, 2023).Organizations are also systems and their engineering: we have business process engineering, resource engineering, financial engineering. Organizations are systems and should be treated and modeled as such (Kozminski, 1979). IT systems maintenance and development costs are already more than 8% of a company's revenue, and this value is slowly but steadily growing. The discipline of their creation, implementation and management of their costs is also growing.

Czytaj dalejOrganizacja jako mechanizm czyli słoń w pokoju

Analiza systemowa komunikacji i jej bezpieczeństwa a e-Podpis

Wprowadzenie Jako ludzie komunikujemy się od początku swojego istnienia (generalnie byty ożywione się komunikują). W formie utrwalonej ta komunikacja ma miejsce od pierwszych rysunków na piasku czy naskalnych, a w formie sformalizowanej od początków wojska i państwowości (formalizm: przykładanie wagi do formy, źr. Encyklopedia PWN). Bezpieczeństwo i wiarygodność komunikacji od początku naszej egzystencji jest przedmiotem zainteresowania komunikujących się stron. Warto pamiętać, że komunikacja to także samo rejestrowanie i odtwarzanie danych (treści), więc nawet zapisanie (utrwalenie gdzieś) listy sprawunków by później użyć tej listy, np. po dotarciu do sklepu, to także…

Czytaj dalejAnaliza systemowa komunikacji i jej bezpieczeństwa a e-Podpis

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